A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

Mile 62.5 to Hance Mile 77
July 12, 2001

Three Miles kids
The wind came up and we took the next campsite we came to after visiting the Little Colorado. Things were cramped at Mile 62.5 and not everyone wanted to sleep on the sand dune or next to the river.

Eric gets a chance to start writing postcards to be mailed out on the
mules at phantom ranch.


Dean exploring above Tanner Rapid, Mile 68.25

(Donna photo)

Heath at the petroglyphs at Mile 68.25

Cindy and Edie, Unkar Rapid, Mile 72.5 in the background

And the ruins at Unkar Delta, Mile 72.5

Rowing by "Furnace Flats"

Bill Duckies

Hance camp, Mile 77


Light danced across the canyon, and each few minutes, the scenery changed

Dane reads

While Judy and Heath write, and "Doc" Cindy (our nurse practitioner) treats Dave's feet. We ended up with sunburns, foot problems because of constant wet feet, scratches, and bruises, but no major injuries or illness. We were prepared for nearly anything.
Next Day July 13