A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

Saddle Canyon to Mile 62.5
July 11, 2001

We all ended up with nicknames by the end of the trip. I became Fraulein Edie after the hike (sometimes referred to as the death march) to the Nankoweap Granaries, Mile 52. It just happened to be high noon and I wanted pictures of just our group there, and there were other hikers close on our heels. Cindy almost got heat exhaustion, but we got some great pictures!
Ryan Photo

Cindy and her lizard friend

Family photo at Mile 52
Dick photo

Eric, Dane, Bill, Edie, Judy and Cindy at the Granaries

The Little Colorado Mile 61.5 runs
aquamarine in color except after it rains.
Dane and others went swimming anyway.

Crash Canyon campsite below the Little Colorado

Next Day July 12


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