A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

Nautiloid Canyon, Mile 35 to Saddle Canyon, Mile 47
July 9


Exploring Nautiloid Canyon  
Donna photo
Dane and Ben with a Century Plant              Nautiloid Fossil             Dick in the Canyon

Bert's Boat Mile 41
Bert Loper "the grand old man of the Colorado"
presumably died of a heart attack
while rowing Mile 24.5 Rapid in 1949. His boat was found and pulled above the high water mark here.

Ben, Heath, Donna, Dane, Eric and Ryan

Edie Rows

Donna photo

Kitchen at Saddle Canyon

Cindy, Eric and Dane
"Okay Mom, put the camera down and help with the shish kabobs"

Next Day July 10


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