A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

13 Mile Rapid to 24.5 Mile Rapid
July 7, 2001

Cindy rows the African Queen
Mile 14 Sheer Wall Rapid

African Queen entering House Rock Rapid Mile 17

Donna Hathaway Photo

and leaving, still upright ..... ye hah!
Eric rowing, Edie high-siding, Dane holding on and Cindy... uh, where's Cindy?
Oh yeah, she's taking video from shore.

Gray Ghost (we see the bottom of that boat) in House Rock Rapid
Bill giving the guys a thrill. And they thought they were going in sideways....

Donna Hathaway Photo

Riding the Caboose - NO FEAR!

Donna Hathaway Photo

Great hit Ben!

Team Weatherbee finishing House Rock Rapid Mile 17

Seeking Shade in North Canyon Mile 20.5
"The Dead Crow Hike"
We expected to find a deep pool, but it had dried up and only a dead crow remained.
It is still a beautiful spot.

Cindy escaping the sun in North Canyon

Tiff and Dick in North Canyon


Dave in North Canyon

Gray Ghost waiting for the earth tremor

Next Day July 8


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