A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

Kanab Creek 143.5 to National Canyon 166.5
July 18, 2001

This was the most dangerous day for the crew of the African Queen, not because of the rapids, but because we missed the eddy into Matkatamiba Canyon (Mile 148). We were the last boat, Bill was at the oars, and unfortunately the boat bounced off that rock just under the surface at the mouth of the canyon. No problem. I was ready with a throw bag and three strong men were waiting to catch it and pull us into the eddy. But alas the throw bag went about 5 feet and died in the water so we ended up running Matkatamiba Rapid. I just couldn't understand what had happened - I take pride in my side arm throwing skills. It was only hours later when Dane said, "Mom, you know you never apologized for hitting me in the head with the throwbag", that I even realized what went wrong. So I apologized.

One last picture for Cindy's Mom
Bill and Eric helping us along the ledge

At Matkatamiba
I had been dreaming of visiting Matkatamiba for over ten years, and was not about to miss it this time. So we pulled into the first available eddy and started looking for a way back upstream to the mouth of the canyon. We looked up to see Eric on his way towards us, crawling on all fours along a ledge above the rapid. "Hey, keep your life jackets on and bring the spare one for me," he yelled. So we started our hike to Matkatamiba, trying not to look down at the swirling rapid below us. It was the most terrifying time on the trip for Cindy and I. But we made it up to Matkatamiba fine, and it was everything I knew it would be.

Judy and Dane in the waterslide

Edie and Cindy taking a much needed break

Dane jumping into a pool with Dick looking on

Judy at Matkatamiba Canyon

A brief hike up Havasu Creek before heading on to National Canyon

Bill, Ryan and Ben on the way down

Eating cures all

Bill rows Upset Rapid

Next Day July 19

July 2-4
July 5 REO
July 5 Lee's Ferry
July 6 Lee's to 12.5 mi.
July 7 12.5 mi. to 24.5 mi.
July 8 24.5 to Nautiloid Canyon
July 9 Nautiloid to Saddle (Mile 47)
July 10 Saddle Canyon Layover day
July 11 Saddle to Mile 62.5
July 12 Mile 62.5 Crash Canyon to Mile 76.5 Hance Campsite
July 13 Mile 76.5 to Mile 95 Hermit Creek
July 14 Mile 95 to Mile 119
July 15 Mile 119 to Mile 134 Tapeats Creek
July 16 Tapeats Layover day to hike to Thunder River
July 17 Mile 134 Tapeats to 143.5 Kanab Creek
July 18 Mile 143.5 to Mile 166.5 National Canyon
July 19 National Canyon Layover Day
July 20 Mile 166.5 to Mile 188 Whitmore Wash
July 21 Whitmore Wash to Mile 209 Granite Park
July 22 Granite Park to Mile 220 Campsite
July 23 Mile 220 to Mile 226 Diamond Creek

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