A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

National Canyon Mile 166.5 to
Whitmore Wash
Mile 188
July 17, 2001
Lava Falls Day!

Donna photo

Vulcan's Anvil, Mile 178

Dane kisses Vulcan's Anvil for good luck!

Bill scouting Lava Falls, Mile 179.25

Everyone else scouting Lava Falls

One last picture for Eric and Edie's Mom

Oh, let's just do it!
I only wish I could show a boat in this hole, and have the sound of the river drowning out all thoughts other than fear - but we did just fine.

Donna photo

A Fuzzy Gray Ghost makes it through
That wasn't so bad

Time to filter the water - again - Mile 179.5

and for a warm shower in the hot spring

Dane and his river finds

Dane rows while Eric checks for blisters

Dave and Heath at the pictographs, Mile 188
That was a nice day
(Dave Photo)

Cindy and Edie look upstream from Mile 188

Next Day July 21

July 2-4
July 5 REO
July 5 Lee's Ferry
July 6 Lee's to 12.5 mi.
July 7 12.5 mi. to 24.5 mi.
July 8 24.5 to Nautiloid Canyon
July 9 Nautiloid to Saddle (Mile 47)
July 10 Saddle Canyon Layover day
July 11 Saddle to Mile 62.5
July 12 Mile 62.5 Crash Canyon to Mile 76.5 Hance Campsite
July 13 Mile 76.5 to Mile 95 Hermit Creek
July 14 Mile 95 to Mile 119
July 15 Mile 119 to Mile 134 Tapeats Creek
July 16 Tapeats Layover day to hike to Thunder River
July 17 Mile 134 Tapeats to 143.5 Kanab Creek
July 18 Mile 143.5 to Mile 166.5 National Canyon
July 19 National Canyon Layover Day
July 20 Mile 166.5 to Mile 188 Whitmore Wash
July 21 Whitmore Wash to Mile 209 Granite Park
July 22 Granite Park to Mile 220 Campsite
July 23 Mile 220 to Mile 226 Diamond Creek

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