A Grand Canyon Odyssey
Lees Ferry to Diamond Creek
July 6 - July 23, 2001

Mile 119 to Tapeats Mile 134
July 15, 2001

Mile 119 Camp had a large beach and plenty of room for everyone to spread out. There was also a small alcove nearby that made me wish Ben had brought his guitar which he left in his truck in Flagstaff. We woke in the morning to find that the water had gone down, and the boats were high and dry. But we had plenty of lifting power to get them back into the water. Our first stop was Blacktail Canyon, a neat slot canyon that offers plenty of shade.
Eric, Judy, Dane, Edie and Bill

Blacktail Canyon Mile 120 (Donna Photo)
Today I rowed with team Weatherbee. We had good runs at Bedrock (Mile 130.5) and Duebendorff (Mile 132) before trying to find a campsite at Tapeats (Mile 134) for our layover day.

Next Day July 16


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